In the Bible we see that God is incredibly generous, not just demonstrated in sending His Son Jesus to save us, but also providing everything we need for life and godliness (1 Peter 3:1). He is our source and our provider. In fact everything we have is from Him.
In response we are called to be generous with our time, resources and money.
As a church we give at least 10% of our income away to local and international missions work. Just recently we donated a substantial sum locally towards the ministry towards the refugees in Banbury. It is our joy and privilege to provide for those suffering in our nation.
It costs us a substantial amount every month to provide everything we do at BCC which not only includes everything we provide on a Sunday but also salaries for our pastor, ministry staff and auxiliary staff plus all the other additional costs involved in hiring premises, insurance, stationery, computing, media, apps etc etc.
So please consider giving generously and regularly which makes it so much easier for us to budget. You can give in the following ways:
Giving through our Sunday offering (yes we still take one!)​
Through GoCardless
Through ChurchSuite (you can set up a standing order and sign up for Gift Aid). If you are not registered with ChurchSuite, please do so here.
By setting up a Standing Order via your bank using the following details:
Name: Banbury Community Church
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account: 00325004
Sort Code: 30 11 08
By scanning the QR code below using the Givt app:

If you are a tax payer, please consider completing a Gift Aid form which allows the church under the Government’s Gift Aid scheme to recover 25p for every £1 given, without any extra cost to yourself. Gift Aid forms can be completed online by filling in the form here. Alternatively Gift Aid Forms are available on Sundays - complete and place in the Sunday offering or post to the church office at The Mill.