food bank
food bank
Banbury Food Bank is an initiative run by Christians in Banbury with The Peoples Church taking the lead under the charity Trussell Trust.
The Food Bank gives emergency food and support to people in crisis. Food is donated by schools, churches, businesses and individuals who donate non-perishable, in-date food.
Volunteers at the warehouse sort food to check that it’s in date and then deliver it to the distribution centres ready to be given to people in need.
Frontline care professionals such as doctors, health visitors, schools, social workers, and the CAB, identify people in need and issue them with an e-referral-voucher.
Food Bank clients bring their e-voucher code to one of the three Food Bank centres where it can be redeemed for three days emergency food.
Volunteers meet clients and are able to signpost people to other agencies able to help solve their longer term problems. Clients are also offered prayer.
The three centres and opening times are:
Monday: 10am-12pm St Josephs Church, Edmunds Rd.
Tuesday: 10am-12pm The People’s Church, Horsefair.
Wednesday: 10am-12pm St Joseph’s Church, Edmunds Rd.
Thursday: 10am-12pm & 6pm-8pm St Francis Church, Highlands.
If you would like to donate food (or toiletries and house cleaning products which are offered free to clients) you can do so through Banbury Community Church member Helen Madeiros.
For more details or to get involved please phone 01295 661301, or visit banbury.foodbank.org.uk or the trusselltrust.org