We want to see our children and young people loving Jesus and following Him, and fulfilling their purpose in the church family and the wider community. Kids’ Church is a place for our children to connect with Father God, encounter His goodness, build firm foundations, and grow in their understanding that God will always be with them.

Kids' Church is the overarching name for our children’s Sunday morning groups. We use the Millers Bar and the Long Room, which are located on the first floor of The Mill.
We ask parents and carers to drop off and register children before returning to the service and to collect them afterwards. We register children through Churchsuite which is our church administration hub.
We usually spend time together as a whole group for games, sharing and worship, before going into our aged-based group for more activities.​

Crèche is for littles one from 6 months to 3 years and is on the second floor of The Mill.
Crèche is a place where young children and families can connect together, feel secure, experience God’s love and have fun.
Crèche is supervised by a team of volunteers. This enables parents to return to the service, although you're welcome to stay as long as you wish, or until they feel settled.
All volunteers undergo safeguarding and other relevant training, and are DBS checked.

Sunday Mornings:
Children aged 0 to 12
TEAM LEADERS: Rosie Jeffries and Pauline Bagg
See here for our safeguarding policy